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Wednesday 19 July 2017


Abimbola Omole

My love for cookies nor be here at all, I enjoy good cookies a lot and I cant even pretend at all. I know cookies is anti #fitfam but I cant turn a good cookie down ๐Ÿ˜‹ I don't have the will power to turn it down.  But nowadays ehn, no more nice cookies again, na so so fake cookies full everywhere. Hian. Sometimes around last week ehn, I wasted a whole N250 because of it and wasting money can be very painful in this economy ๐Ÿ˜ž.
Anyway, I learnt how to make cookies and I want to share my bad ass cookie recipe with you people. (allow me to be vain small).

Cookies can be made for both indoor and outdoor dates. You can just decide to throw it in a dessert when you're having visitors around or when bobo comes visiting. It is very simple and affordable to make.  

This recipe too gbaski abeg! 

  • Butter
  • Flour
  • Eggs (2 pieces)
  • Sugar
  • Flavor (any choice flavor)
  1. Sieve the flour and set aside.
  2. Whisk the eggs together and add the butter to the mix.
  3. Add the sugar and flavor to the flour and proceed to add the mix from step 2. 
  4. Gently knead the pastry and spread it with a rolling pin
  5. Using cookies cutter, you can cut it into various shapes and sizes.
  6. Proceed to bake it in a preheated oven for about 15 minutes.
Voila! Yummy cookies are ready! 

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