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Tuesday 23 February 2016

Natural Healthy Drinks.

Abimbola Omole
 Some days you find motivation, other days motivation finds you. I have been shifting ( code name for procastination) this post for weeks! But today, I got the right dosage of motivation I needed! I could not find sleep because of heat. Too much heat. And as if that's not enough, mosquitoes are busy singing anti lullaby choruses for me to NOT sleep! Anyways, back to my food matter..
  Recently, the rate at which we dehydrate has tripled! As if there's a 100 degree increase in temperature, they are saying it's global warming. So, we should try to be hydrated at all times to prevent fainting and sorts. Cold water and drinks are now becoming a treasure to behold. I don't hesitate to get cold drinks anytime I come in contact with one, but I realised I over spend and if care is not taken, allowee will finish, not to mention my increase in sugar intake!
  I had to do some research and I found some healthy natural drinks that tastes way better than all these sugary stuff we find around. Like. Zobo, kunu, soy milk and of course, fruit juice. They are cost friendly and medicinal too. Zobo aids digestion. I make mine myself and I hope you love them as much as I do! Enjoy!

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