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Wednesday 21 November 2018


Abimbola Omole

I am growing up so much and it hurts really bad because I am faced with truths about myself that I do not like, other times it feels amazing because the progress I am making is undeniable. Both times I am just grateful.

I had plans for celebrating my birthday in a grand style, like turning 25 is not a walk in the park ( I have never celebrated my birthday before)  I already picked up a venue, made a list of those I will invite lol I already picked a make up artist sef. My best friend would be in  charge of the menu and everything was supposed to pop. But I was given the shock of my life when about two weeks to my birthday, EVERYTHING IN MY LIFE MADE A 180 DEGREES TURN.

Oh my days, I could not hold on to anything, more like God needed my undivided attention and I knew in my deepest heart that this was it.

I just dragged myself to the feet of the Almighty and stayed in His presence for days. I locked myself up in my room and immersed myself in his arms. I drenched myself in tears at the feet of the Master, Like God I am here, I know you want to purge me of my weaknesses and stuff, just make the process easy for me and boyyyyyyyyy He heard me.

God came through for me, like always. *whoop whoop* I really do not like talking about that stage of my life because I feel I am still not where I want to be spiritually, but I am grateful for the riches I have in Christ.

Shout out to my adorable Sister and her Husband who made sure I had the best memories on my 25th birthday, I got to meet my niece and there is nothing in the world I would have traded for the time I spent with them. I am not lucky, I am blessed.

So I decided to start some rituals upon turning 25, I decided to do the following:

1. Write a letter to my 30 year old self.
2. Write 25 things I love about me.
3. Make 25 vows to myself
4. Start documenting some beautiful memories to my unborn kids and my Husband.
5. Be more expressive about the way I feel with the people in my life.

Since you people decided in the poll  I shared on facebook to read about my 25 vows here it goes:

1. I will start adding value to my circle of influence - this is why i want to update this blog to a full blown website where I get to share faith related articles, motivation, career and general lifestyle.

2. I will be more intentional with building a deeper relationship with God- I realize that most of the time, I am always lazy about pursuing the things of God which is not supposed to be.

3. I will stop overthinking and over-analyzing situations.

4.  I vow to spend part of my time learning the true meaning of unconditional  love and giving this kind of love to the people in my life.  

5. I vow to be the best version of a good friend, sister, daughter, peer, co-worker, acquaintance, lover, and wife. I vow to be understanding and to never judge others and to try to gain some form of insight so I can better understand them. 

8.  I vow to be honest with myself and with others always. 

9. I will choose my battles wisely.

10. I will be more intentional and create my own path instead of waiting on people.

11. I will forget the pains of the past while holding on to the lessons I learnt. I will stop living in the past and enjoy the present as much as I hope to enjoy the future.

12. I will not compromise my values for anything.

13. I vow to never settle for anything less than what I truly want. I can do anything I put my mind to.

14. I will be more expressive with the way I feel and stop internalizing. I will learn to be vulnerable too.

15. I will never pass on an opportunity to tell someone about God or to encourage anyone who needs it.

16. I will do away with all clutter of fear, anxiety and doubt while waiting on God. He is more than able.

17. I will be more financial literate - talking about finances and wealth creation stresses me out, weirdly enough abi? I am also ashamed of myself  LOL

18. I will embrace uncertainties with faith and firm belief that all will be well. - "Beautiful Uncertainty"

19. Stop grumbling and complaining but rather be filled with gratitude, no matter the circumstances.

20. Do away with procrastination and be more sensitive with the Holy Spirit and his rulings.

So I thought to complete the list with the "things I love about me" 

1. I love my resilient spirit, although the journey has not been very smooth, but I love the fact that I am always able to pick myself back up after every encounter.

2. I love the fact that I am a very optimistic person who sees the bright side of things at all times.

3. I love the fact that I understand complex situations quickly and my intelligence and the fact that I am very resourceful and solution driven.

4. I love the fact that I am always striving to be better at all areas of my life and quite open minded.

5. I love the fact that I am a very beautiful lady who has been blessed with a beautiful smile.

6. I love the fact that I laugh easily and I see the sarcasm in almost everything (Bonus points... LOL)

So guys, this is it. This post is very dear to me as I have started living out a new chapter of my life!

Cheers to the past, present and future!

I love you but God loves you more! 


  1. I enjoyed those vows. They are so important for sanity and peace. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Thank you for dropping a piece I could relate with easily.
    God bless you for being awesome

  3. Good emotional piece to live with.


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