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Wednesday 18 July 2018


Abimbola Omole

One of the many reasons why I miss Home is because of Iya Omole’s Signature Buka stew.  I miss it so much that it often makes me teary eyed and I just become sad. Yeah, craving food makes me sad. So I try as much as possible to recreate it for myself but I really haven't gotten that  unique taste I am looking for until I tried it this morning *wiggles waist* So I just told myself that I have to post it on my blog for reference purposes.

 Although buka stew is closely related to Obe ata dindin the major difference is  that you do not need much tomatoes and you have to add bell peppers. Also, you must use palm oil to prepare buka stew.  So let us just get on to the recipe.


·         7 medium sized Bell peppers
·         4 medium sized tomato
·         5 Scotch Bonnet (because I love pepper, you can reduce yours to 3 pcs)
·         2 medium sized onions. (I used one while blending then I sliced the other)
·         Palm oil ( I also used small vegetable oil)
·         Protein source- Chicken, fish and eggs.
·         Seasoning cubes
·         Salt to taste.

1.       I already prepped my chicken, fish and eggs but for starters, you should wash, season and boil your meats. Add onions, ginger, garlic, seasoning cubes and salt while boiling. You can even go ahead to add the seasoning like 1 hour before boiling (marinating) as this helps the meats to taste very delicious. I do it if I have enough time on my hands sha. Keep the meat stock, it will be used later.
2.       Wash and blend all the peppers, tomato and onion together and set aside. You should go ahead to boil the pepper mix if you want to but I didn’t boil mine because no time.
3.       Pour in about one cooking spoon of palm oil and allow it to heat for about 4 minutes before adding one cooking spoon of vegetable oil.
4.       Pour in the already sliced onions and allow it to fry till it becomes translucent.
5.       Next add the blended pepper mix from step 2 above and go to sleep. LOL. Let me start again.
6.       Next, add the blended pepper mix from step 2 above, pour in the meat stock from step 1 above, and add the meats and eggs after frying for a while, seasoning cubes and salt. I do not add the seasoning and salt the same time I add the pepper mix oh, I add mine like 5-10 minutes later.
7.        Allow it to fry till you see the oil floating on top. This is a major sign that the stew don don.
8.       Buka stew is ready.

You can serve with any delicacy of your choice but I had mine with Pasta cos I didn’t have enough time to boil Rice. *face palm*.

I am sure you would love to try out this recipe, let me know what you think when you do. You can catch me on all my social media platforms.



  1. Eleyi gidi gaan.......iya iya omole would be proud of this. Thanks for another food inspiration


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