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Friday 23 December 2016


Abimbola Omole

Hello Foodie Fam!

 Food is super important: it helps us live and we live for it. Just like one toon I watched 'The Croods' said 'Food makes everything easier' I couldn't agree more. We center our social events on food- party Jollof rice is a Nigerian definition of hope. Most of our good memories are based on food, and it makes us feel better. Amirite?

  Bucket list is just list of things you wanna try out before you kpef. *straight face* as humans, we do not know when that time is, but we can try as much as possible to enjoy our stay here on earth and have good food memories. Sharing this post makes me so emotional, maybe it's because of my strong attachment with my food bucket list or it's the hormones. I really can't say *stares at feets*

 Here are some food-related activities you’ve got to add to your bucket list:
Going Vegan For A Week
This is a major one in my list, although It requires hard work and determination. If you can't stay vegan for a week, try going for a day in a week. That's 4 days in a month.  It helps you feel healthy and reduces carbon footprint. You know there are tons of other benefits. If after one week, you're loving it then by all means stay vegan. You will not die (pun fully intended) By the way, Beyonce is vegan, so why shouldnt you go vegan?

Eat Only Ice Cream For An Entire Day
What better way to show your love for ice cream other than spending your entire day with it? It is probably the best dessert e-v-e-r! You can try spicing it up with some fruit or cool toppings! Savory ice cream ALL DAY! I can imagine how tasty it will be. Try it out and you won't regret it. Trust me. I know all these fit fam are giving me the side eye and guilt tripping me. Something must kill-a-man biko. And if I add weight, I will *humes* work work work work work work! *shines teeth* Don't forget to make it out with bananas when you start feeling sick!

Eat At A Food Truck
You can get almost anything from a food truck. Although, you'll have to cross many oceans and rivers to fufil this one because it's majorly 'In the Abroad' you'll find it.  It'll be worth it.

Go Fruit-Picking
I  wasn't allowed to eat mangoes when I was little. So I always have a soft spot for mangoes. Once upon a  time, I and my friends went fruit picking in secondary school, we went to staff quarters to pluck mangoes,  thank God I wasn't caught. If not, I for chop gbogbo Iya on the assembly ground.  There are plenty of reasons to go fruit picking- uno there is an added sweetness in chopping the fruits you picked yourself, trust me.  Although,  almost  all average Nigerian child haff picked fruit before at one point or the other, if you havent done this yet, grab a few friends and and get ready to pick some fruit!

Participate In A Food Eating Contest
Break out your nicest dress and try competitive eating. It's always fun! And insane (in a good way tho) aside being paid in cash for winning you'll also learn how to eat so much food in a limited time! #goals

Create A Food Art
Bring out your inner kid and play with your food.  Start with some minor food art and you can even start making money from it. Just don't forget to use #spoonfeed when you post it for the gram! Tag me too sha, so we can spend the money together! @missy_abimbola!

Eat The Spiciest Thing On Earth
There was a time my biggie (big brother) took me out to some chinese restaurant in Lagos, to be honest, I didn't really enjoy their food. I had a low spicy food tolerance then, It has increased considerably now tho and crossing this one off my list became a major one. There are so many spicy food hot spots around. Just do your findings before you go there. Don't forget to take some precautions.

Cook With A Celebrity Chef
I have not decided when I'll cross this off my list but I have a feeling that it'll be very soooon! Sooner than I can think or imagine. My body is already doing gbish gbish at the thought of it! It would be so Lit! Also, enrolling in a cooking class to upgrade your culinary skills should be in your bucket list. Thank. Me. Later! 

Try Out New Food Every Month
It has always been a childhood dream to visit various countries of the world when I'm older  and try out their orisirisi senrenren with the Bobo, the shildren will sit this one out * winks* But since I'm still small, *cute face* I have improvised this option by trying out a new food/meal/snack every month. It has been fulfilling!

Visit An Underwater Restaurant
It would be so cooooooooooooooooool. Nuff said!

Anyway, these are some of the items in my bucket list, some of the ideas in my personal list are down right private and I really don't have the guts to share it. Yet. But very soon, I will! Let's. Wait. On. It!

Everybody should have a food bucket list. And if you don't have one, it's not too late to start listing one.

Don't forget to LIVE! And make GOOD MEMORIES! 

                                                             *Blows Kiss*


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