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Friday, 11 November 2016


Abimbola Omole


Nigerian meat pies are all shades of tasty and yummy! You can never go wrong with using meat pies for mid day snacks.πŸ˜‹

I started making meat pies since I was 10. πŸ˜‰
  So you guys can imagine how good I am in making meat pies. *bashes eyelashes* Yassssss! All thanks to my mommy. 😀 L O L. Meat pies can either be very good or very bad. There are no in between.  I really don't like taking snacks I didn't make myself, no matter how hungry I get. I'll just make do with gala or biscuits. So I don't fall prey of Bad meat pies. It just doesn't happen.😊
Darlings, bad meat pies are just as bad as bad. (Pun fully intended) and if you do not want to fall prey of bad meat pies, just stick around and let us do some learning together!

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